About the Journal
Igbo Studies Review (ISR) (ISSN 2325-0801) is published once a year in November and is the official publication of the Igbo Studies Association. The manuscripts originally presented at a meeting of the Igbo Studies Association are eligible for inclusion. Igbo Studies Review (ISR)is peer-reviewed and publishes original research from scholars across the disciplines on all aspects of Igbo studies, including topics related to the Igbo Diaspora worldwide. Submissions accepted for consideration will be evaluated anonymously by at least two external reviewers. All manuscripts submitted for consideration must be original works that have not been published previously or is currently being considered by any other publication outlet.
Format and Style
The journal uses the Chicago Manual of Style for endnotes and bibliography. Articles must be written in English. Spelling can be either British or American English, but should be consistent throughout. Manuscripts should be typed in 12 pts Times New Roman, double-spaced, with ample margins using MSWord. They must be 8,000 words maximum, inclusive. Articles should include a brief abstract, and a short biography with author's full name, title, current affiliation, and full postal address/phone/email details of author(s). Authors are asked to strictly limit their use of capitals, underlining, and bolding. Tables should be kept to a minimum and should be typed on separate sheets and their position indicated by a marginal note in the text. All images should indicate their source(s) typed below the tables and submitted in grayscale (black and white) in .gif or .jpg format.
Book Reviews
Books for review [North America] should be sent to Dr Raphael Njoku, Department of History, Idaho State University, Pocatello, ID 83209-8053.
Publishers in Nigeria should send book for review to Dr Akachi Odoemena, Department of History, Federal University, Otuoke, Nigeria.
Members of the association should direct address changes and claims for missing issues to the secretary of the Igbo Studies Association.
Permission: For information on how to request permission to reproduce articles or information from this journal, please contact Goldline and Jacobs Publishing @ [email protected]
Address for Submission
Editorial Office: Igbo Studies Review,
Department of History, Marquette University
Milwaukee, WI 53201-1881
[Email: [email protected]]